Computer Technology

Project Overview

Project:Computer Technology
Start Dates:1st and 3rd Monday of each month
Language Requirements:English (Basic Nepali is provided)
Food and Accommodation:Nepali Standard at host family in the working community
Key Activities:teaching computer skills including email / internet, to local youth,children and teachers
Beneficiaries:children age 9 to 15, youth age 16 to 30, local volunteers, teachers and VIN staff
Working Hours:3 to 5 hours a day / 5 to 6 days a week
Required Qualifications and Skills:Competent in computer application, email and internet, basic hardware knowledge


The majority (more than 90%) of public schools do not have access to computers. Very few public schools have the newly introduced Information Technology (IT) centres with limited computers. This access is available only in the cities and not in villages due to lack of electricity. Even the schools that have computers don’t have experienced and qualified IT teachers as Nepal has just began to provide IT education.

IT volunteers will teach information technology to school children age 9 to 15, local community youth 16 to 30 and teachers. They are very keen to learn these technology so that they are better connected to people in other parts of the world.

Volunteers will assist schools children with theoretical and practical classes. Generally a class lasts for 45 minutes and you should be teaching 3 to 4 classes a day. Public schools are closed for Saturdays. If you are experienced you can also conduct IT classes to the teaching staffs and our partner organizations.

The volunteer gives courses from basic level computer skills up to advanced. If possible, you can provide some basic hardware maintenance training as well. Please contact us if you desire to serve underprivileged school children by sharing the technical knowledge you have.

Roles of Volunteers

  • Teaching information technology classes to school children age 9 to 15, local community youth 16 to 30 and teachers. Classes typically last for 45 minutes and you will be conducting 3-4 classes per day.
  • Assisting with both the theoretical and practical aspects of computing.
  • Providing basic hardware maintenance training (if possible).
  • Assisting in the upkeep, maintenance, and design of VIN’s several websites.
  • Helping VIN office staffs with technological issues and software packages, as required

Who Can Apply?

While there are no further requirements than competence in common computing software packages, email, and Internet, as well as knowledge of basic hardware, it would facilitate the volunteer’s work greatly if he / she had prior experience in web design and technology education.


“From the 15th of July through August 1st, 2009, I volunteered with VIN in Technology Education. My goal was to give students, teachers and VIN staff tools to better their knowledge, communication, and work productivity through Internet based programs. Having five computers to work with (one of which was my own), a good wireless connection and refreshing enthusiasm made for a successful experience all around! On the agenda was setting up and learning how to use email, Google, YouTube, blogging, Wikis and social networking sites. Teachers learned how to create a blog, and students developed their own Youth Club Wiki: Facebook accounts were set up, and email addresses exchanged. VIN staff learned about Google Docs and how to use social networking sites to communicate and connect with future volunteers / donors. Our two weeks together were spent well, we connected and learned.

In a way, Nepal felt like a real true home. The country is full of extremes – symbolized by the contrast between the mountains and low lands, not to mention the great disparity in wealth. Yet all people exude a great and wonderful warmth – spiritually from Hinduism to Buddhism. Every Nepali person I met felt like family. And so, when I left, I felt as though I was departing from my family, it wasn’t easy to leave.

Even so, once a VIN volunteer, always a VIN volunteer and my work, and connection to VIN will not stop. I hope to connect a group of students in the Youth Club and Children’s Club to students of mine in the US. I plan to be in touch about helping VIN to raise funds, and to receive more technology. Most importantly though, the lines of communication are open, and so we will work together.”

Susan Zoe Greenwald

Computer Technology Volunteer

Jul 15 – Aug 1, 2009