Construction and Manual Work

Project Overview

Project:Construction and Manual Work
Start Dates:1st and 3rd Monday of each month
Language Requirements:English (Basic Nepali is provided)
Food and Accommodation:Nepali standard at host family in the working community
Key Activities:Manually helping locals with the construction and renovation of sites and sharing your labor skills (if any)
Beneficiaries:Schools, local communities, women and children
Working Hours:3 to 5 hours a day / 5 to 6 days a week
Required Qualifications and Skills:Keen to help local disadvantaged people, flexible

Construction and Manual Work Overview

Our construction and manual work volunteer project is designed to link local and overseas volunteers who would like to contribute to sustainable development within Nepal with disadvantage communities in need of their support. In a country where the majority of schools lack basic forms of infrastructure such as toilets, clean drinking water, classrooms, playgrounds, libraries, laboratory, and teaching resources, such a project serves an invaluable role in modernizing rural communities and improving the quality of life therein.

Most of the population of Nepal lives in rural areas where no phones, roads, clean water, or schools exist. Where some government schools exist in the countryside, they are generally very underfunded, basic, and sometimes even unsafe. Often these schools lack blackboards and have very little furniture. Supplementary materials such as libraries, children’s books, and computer labs are even rarer.

Consequently, children in Nepal face many problems and often find difficult to continue their studies. Many children drop out of school due to lack of congenial study environment at school. VIN has been trying its best to provide basic support to those schools within its working communities in support with overseas volunteers and community people who are ready to help construct basic infrastructures and other urgently needed improvements through volunteer abroad projects.

Whether you are on a career break, summer holiday, or are simply looking to try something new, please think about lending a helping hand to our communities to construct toilets or other forms of infrastructure. Together let’s help to improve the health and living conditions of the rural Nepali population!

Construction and Manual Work Program Outline

  • Majority of the work will consist of constructing various types of infrastructures (toilets, libraries, classrooms, compound walls, water supplies, garden and play-grounds, etc.) at schools and health posts in the rural areas surrounding Kathmandu
  • Work will mostly be unskilled labor (digging, mixing sand and cement, carrying rocks, sand and bricks, fetching water, and painting the school buildings)
  • Work for one or more weeks
  • Volunteers who wish to stay for longer periods may participate in our other VIN programs- e.g. teaching in schools, community education and environmental awareness program, working in orphanages.
  • If enough volunteers participate at any given time, more ambitious projects, such as the construction of smokeless stoves, toilets, soak pits, and other facilities that can improve the basic standard of living will be attempted.

Who Can Participate?

Volunteers do not need to have any skills or prior knowledge about Construction and Manual Work, as they will mainly be doing unskilled work such as digging, mixing sand and cement, carrying rocks, sand and bricks, fetching water, and painting the school buildings. They will be led by skilled Nepalis and work together with local community people who will be providing free labor for the betterment of their communities.